
My First Post

Blogging.  It's becoming quite a phenomenon.  I must admint, I do enjoy a good blog.  Will I be able to produce an enjoyable blog myself?  Well, that's what we're going to find out.  I'm really not sure if anyone will read this besides my family.  And I'm ok with that if that's the case.  The main reason that I am doing this is to keep my family and friends posted on our life and what's happening.  Ok...let's be honest...it's to keep everyone up to date on Cole. :)  So, sit back, relax and enjoy!  Or at least try to. Happy Blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You fixed the comments!
    I'm glad you have a blog, it will be fun to keep up with your family and well hey, everyone is doing it...right?? :)
    I saw on FB that Cole had a fever...how is he doing? Raven had a fever the other night and I facebooked the same thing (when do I call the doctor? how high is too high?) Her fever went away, but she has an ear infection..so that's probably why she spiked a fever. I hope Cole is doing well now. He is such a cutie!
    I'm sure you hear it all the time, but he looks a lot like you and your mom!
    Looking forward to more posts!
