
Cole's First Haircut

We've been meaning to get Cole's haircut for some time. He was born with a lot of hair, lost most of it and now has hair that's turned into a shaggy mess! I think it really set in that I needed to get his hair cut when a lady at the park, mistook Cole for a girl. And then, when we took this Easter shot...

we figured it was definitely time.

I didn't want to take him to a cheapo place for fear that they wouldn't know how to handle an infant, soon-to-be-toddler. We also didn't want to pay $30 bucks for what would probably end up being a total of 5 scissor cuts. We ended up taking him to a place across the way from us that is specifically designed for kids. It was a little more than we wanted to spend, but we found a coupon and figured, you only get your first haircut once, right?

Being the worrying mother that I am, we got there and I suggested he sit on my lap because I was sure he would scream if he didn't. But the hair dresser said that we should just try him in his own chair first to see how he would do. And he did wonderfully!

He wasn't scared at all and never shed one tear! I think he was too enthralled with the flat screen TV that was placed on the counter in front of him that was playing Finding Nemo! He was such a big boy and couldn't have done a better job.

I love you little man, but this growing up must slow down!!!


  1. Wow Katie! He's such a handsome boy! It's amazing how they change with one little hair cut.

  2. Totally brings me back to Isaac's 1st haircut experience on his 1st birthday! Too cute! Be warned...now that his hair has been cut, it grows faster...we end up getting Isaac's cut every 4-6 weeks (same as Joel)...it adds up! Pretty soon I may try to start cutting it myself...

  3. Cute! And Jack's first hair cut was just before his second birthday. :)
