
Poop & E Coli

Cole did a superb job with his Oma and Opa Wegner last weekend.  Despite Cole having bad diarrhea and terrible diaper rash, he was a trooper!  And so were Oma and Opa!! :) 

Before I had Cole I could never imagine why all of my friends who had kids always talked about there kids' poop.  Seriously unnecessary right?  Well, now that I'm a mother, I guess that's just what you do.  You talk about poop.  And apparently in my case, you blog about it...

Since Cole's symptoms weren't clearing up and it had been over a week since they started, I decided to take him into the clinic to see if there was anything more we could do for him.  I decided it wouldn't hurt to bring in one of his poopy diapers just in case they could test it for something.  The doctor did say that it was unusual for diarrhea to last this long, but she didn't suspect anything other than just a bug that would run it's course.  I brought up the fact that I had a fresh sample for her if she thought they could test it. 

She went to talk to the lab and the lab returned with two rubber gloves, a large tongue depressor and a bio hazard bag - this didn't look good for me. 

Apparently they're policy is: you bring it in, you scoop it out.  Wow.  This really didn't look good for me.  But I suffered through and got a call from the doctor two days later...

E coli!  What?!  How in the world did he get that?  We still aren't sure how he got it, but it really could have been anything.  Luckily Cole is turning the corner and he hasn't had diarrhea for a couple of days.  Thanks goodness!!

Aren't you glad you read this post?  Come back again! :)

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