
Flooring, Phase 1: Complete

Although I don't tend to brag about myself very often, I must say this weekend would not have happened without my mad organizational skills...and of course the generosity of our friends and family!

Whew! What a weekend! I started the weekend by taking Cole to his 9 month check up. Everything was well and we found out he's going to be tall...ok, we pretty much knew that from the beginning, but everyone loves to point it out everytime he has a doctor's appointment. He weighs 21 lbs (61%) and is 30 inches long (92%). And lucky for Cole, no shots! Although he did have a pin prick to check lead levels, but didn't shed a tear...he's good like that.

After the appointment, our friend and Blaine neighbor Matt, graciously allowed our family to crash at his place for the night while the crew got to work on the demo of our floors. We had fun playing Buck Hunter (Ben's favorite of course) and learned a new card game called "Hand and Foot". We didn't get much sleep, but we had a place to sleep and that's all that mattered!

Saturday morning we made a quick dash to Rosedale Mall to meet up with my BFF Lindsey and her family for lunch. We came back to Matt's for Cole's nap, while Matt and Ben went bowling for a work function. After bowling, Ben returns to get Cole and I and we're off to meet Ben's cousin and her family for a quick dinner while they were visiting from Chicago....tired yet? Us too! :)

We managed to sleep at our house on Saturday night, but were up bright and early to make sure we were out of the house before the crew came to finish the floors. So off we go at 8am to visit Ben's folks in New Richmond. Fortunately it was a very relaxing time. But oh, it doesn't end there! We then traveled to Hugo to have dinner with great friends and finally, after 10pm on Sunday, we were home. And the floors look awesome! Check out the before...

And the after!!

Next phase: Carpet. Unfortunately, the carpet that we ordered is out of stock. So for the next month we have the challenge of keeping a very active crawler out of the living room. I'll post more as we put our house back together.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - sounds like a full weekend. The floors look beautiful! Looking forward to seeing the carpet flooring, too. Enjoy! BTW, I stole your idea for the "Lilypie" countdown for our blog - cute idea :-)
