
No Pic Update....

Unfortunately, I won't be posting any pictures. So this is probably where you'll stop reading. Ben has class tonight and takes the laptop, which has all of our pictures on it. And when Ben's at class, I think to blog. So no pics, but you get to read my rambling! How exciting huh?

A lot has happened since I last posted (it always does). So, you know how we had our floor installed? Well, we then had it un-installed and then reinstalled again. Follow? Yeah, it was not fun. There was a leak in our dishwasher and last Friday Ben noticed that the floor was warping. We were pretty bummed because we thought we were going to have to drop some cash on a new dishwasher. But our trusty handy man came to the rescue and fixed the dishwasher and replaced the floor that was damaged. Let's hope this is it for that part of the flooring. Now we still wait for the carpet...we're hoping before April. In the meantime we are enjoying the cement floor...actually we are enjoying not having to take our shoes off when we walk in the door! :)

I finally went to the doctor after having a cold/cough for a month. I know, I know. But I just hate going to the doctor and paying money to have them tell me to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. Well, I was diagnosed with a sinus infection, so at least I got some drugs out of the deal.

Other than that, Cole has been staying healthy. I did take him in to the clinic on Sunday for fear that his pink eye was coming back. Well, after waiting over an hour in the exam room (they literally forgot about us and were getting ready to leave for the night) the doctor said he didn't have pink eye. Thanks.

I will try and post some pictures soon. I'm sure I can scrounge up a few of Cole looking adorable. :) It's 7:45pm and I really feel like just going to bed...I'm old.

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