
Picture Update

And here are some pictures that I promised you!

This was from the other week when Cole was just starting to pull himself up. I look over and the top half of his body was in the toy basket and his feet were up in the air. Being the "Safety 1st" mom that I am....I grabbed the camera instead of helping him! :)

When I have to make dinner after getting home from work, I let Cole dig in the cupboard with all the baggies and paper plates...it was a mess to clean up, but it kept him occupied. Unfortunately, he figured out he could open our other cupboards and we had to put the safety latches on.

Our nickname, one of them anyway, for Cole is "Puppy" for a few different reasons. One, he sounds like a whimpering puppy sometimes when he gets whiny. And two, would be the picture above. He LOVES to suck on a washcloth when he's in the tub so I give him a separate one every time. But he just hangs it out of his mouth like a puppy while he's playing. Pretty cute...at least to us.

I know our kid is a big kid. He weighed 21 lbs at his 9 month check up and was 30 inches long....but this picture really makes him look HUGE! Gotta love some of that baby chubb though!

And can you see the new additions to his smile? Yes, he now has 2 teeth sprouting on the bottom. Nothing on the top yet though. We've also been trying to get him used to finger food. He's been doing a lot better lately, but originally he actually gagged and threw up a couple of times. A little unsettling. But he's doing much better now.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


  1. Hi Katie,
    Love the photos! Cole is so adorable!

  2. I love the star in the bath photo. :) What a cute kid you have!

  3. Thanks ladies! Erin, I wasn't sure if it was good etiquette to show Cole's little yahoo, so Ben doctored it up with the star! Funny!
